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Tribalism in Nigeria

Tribalism in Nigeria

So Nigerian

About The Episode

Hello So Nigerians! On this special 60th episode of the So Nigerian podcast, we discuss one of the biggest problems Nigeria is facing today, which is tribalism. We talk about our experiences with tribalism, it’s possible causes and the way forward, of course in an interesting and enlightening manner. So please ensure to listen, like and share. We also want to use this opportunity to thank our fans who have been with us from the beginning, we wouldn’t be reaching this milestone of 60 episodes without you guys. So please continue to support by spreading our gospel!

About The Episode

Hello So Nigerians! On this special 60th episode of the So Nigerian podcast, we discuss one of the biggest problems Nigeria is facing today, which is tribalism. We talk about our experiences with tribalism, it’s possible causes and the way forward, of course in an interesting and enlightening manner. So please ensure to listen, like and share. We also want to use this opportunity to thank our fans who have been with us from the beginning, we wouldn’t be reaching this milestone of 60 episodes without you guys. So please continue to support by spreading our gospel!

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