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A better way to ask for support

A better way to ask for support

So Nigerian

About The Episode

Hello guys, compliments of the season. We are joined by Maurice Iwunze, the CEO of Symplifi. We discuss the dilemma of living abroad and still having to fend for family back home in Nigeria. Maurice and his team have built a means of supporting your people in Nigeria WITHOUT sending money, this process is also profitable for both sides. Sound cool right? We thought so too. Listen, learn, enjoy and share. Also check out for more information

About The Episode

Hello guys, compliments of the season. We are joined by Maurice Iwunze, the CEO of Symplifi. We discuss the dilemma of living abroad and still having to fend for family back home in Nigeria. Maurice and his team have built a means of supporting your people in Nigeria WITHOUT sending money, this process is also profitable for both sides. Sound cool right? We thought so too. Listen, learn, enjoy and share. Also check out for more information

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